
Techblog Blogs

Getting started with Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging solution rethought as a distributed commit log. The original use case for Kafka was to be able to rebuild a user activity tracking pipeline…

Jan van Zoggel
20 september, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Microservices, back to SOA basics?

Microservices are all the craze right now and have been for some time. But with the dust settling, the architectural style seems to be taking shape. With that happening the benefits…

Coert van den Thillart
9 september, 2016

Techblog Blogs

What about CMMN (Case Management Model and Notation) ?

When we started our Case Management adventure the Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) standard was still relatively new and unknown. (May 2014 the official 1.0 release was released). Both our design…

Jan van Zoggel
8 september, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Storing XML documents in ElasticSearch using TIBCO BusinessWorks 5x

When you need a fast and simple solution to store your XML documents, ElasticSearch is there to help. Elasticsearch is a distributed, open source search and analytics engine, designed for horizontal…

Joshua Moesa
17 augustus, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Case management for the knowledge worker era

Companies have been using workflow and content management for many, many years. In IT we got used to the term Business Process Management (BPM) whenever we spoke of automated process…

Jan van Zoggel
16 augustus, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Cleaning up your old excess Docker containers

Every docker run command creates a container on your system. When you exit the container (and it is no longer running) it is still there on disk and can be seen with docker…

Jan van Zoggel
5 augustus, 2016

Techblog Blogs

JBoss Fuse Jolokia requests

Even though Hawtio is a pretty awesome console for JBoss Fuse, sometimes you want or even need to have the underlying data Hawtio uses. Maybe you want to incorporate it…

Pim Gaemers
20 juli, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Errors on compilation of composite with Maven plugins

After successfully getting the Oracle SOA Maven Plugins into your Maven Repository, it’s time to use them! So, you create a new SOA Project or mavenize an existing one, navigate…

Maarten Tijhof
5 juli, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Contract first Rest API

As an integration consultant I have an extensive background in web services. To be specific SOAP enabled web services. The way I used to create a service was by first…

Dirk Janssen
30 juni, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Publishing Oracle SOA Maven plugin

When setting up a continuous integration solution for Oracle SOA Suite code, it is best to work with mavenized projects, and thus rely on Oracle-provided maven plugins to do the…

Maarten Tijhof
30 juni, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Resizing the disk on a VirtualBox OEL7 image

Let’s say you have created an Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.2 Virtual Image in VirtualBox where you didn’t pay enough attention to the details, and you went with the default size…

Maarten Tijhof
16 juni, 2016

Techblog Blogs

GParted Live CD and VirtualBox

The alternate title to this post might as well be: GParted Live CD won’t boot correctly on VirtualBox. It just doesn’t, unless you make a specific modification to your Virtual…

Maarten Tijhof
16 juni, 2016

Techblog Blogs

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it or fix it before it breaks?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Somewhere in organization X there is this piece of legacy code that is quite business critical. It is very old and probably…

Coert van den Thillart
13 april, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Instantiating a java.util.Properties via OSGi Blueprint

I was recently struggling a bit to instantiate a java.util.Properties object via OSGi Blueprint. Normally when dealing with properties in OSGi Blueprint I use the OSGi Admin config or Compendium…

Pim Gaemers
28 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Basic authentication in Camel

I need to call a webservice that uses basic authentication. All the solutions and suggestions I could find via google where ether complicated or a lot of work. Until I…

Dirk Janssen
24 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

JBoss Fuse on a raspberry pi 3

I was looking for a small server to run my personal fuse installation on. After a quick search I found the raspberry Pi as a likely candidate. A cheap and…

Dirk Janssen
20 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

What is HATEOAS?

With probably the most unpronounceable acronym in the world of IT, and there are a lot, HATEOAS is also one of the most obscure and misunderstood constraints of the REST…

Pim Gaemers
18 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Rest just got easy

As of version 2.14 camel supports an easy alternative for the implementation of rest interfaces, RedHat implemented it in Fuse 6.2 You can now use the rest DSL as an…

Dirk Janssen
18 februari, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Calling a Soap Service with camel

Invoking a SOAP service in Fuse (camel) is similar to exposing a SOAP service. The first steps are the same, you have to create a CXF endpoint. This is explained…

Dirk Janssen
1 februari, 2016

Techblog Blogs

MVN camel:run exception in Fuse 6.2.1

When playing around with a new Fuse 6.2.1 environment I notices the maven archetypes provided with Fuse did not run out of the box with the mvn camel:run command. Whenever…

Pim Gaemers
31 januari, 2016