
Techblog Blogs

Umbraco 14

Umbraco 14 is about to release, by the time you’re reading this it’s probably already been released. So now’s the perfect time to go over some of the changes that’ll…

Bernadet Goey
14 juni, 2024

Techblog Architectuur

Integration and the art of Archimate – The good, the bad and the ugly

Integration and the art of Archimate – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Many organisations only use a small portion of the Archimate palette. Most often I encounter application…

Matthijs Castelli
11 maart, 2024

Techblog Blogs

Learning a new language, it’s not as scary as you think

My experience on becoming an Umbraco focused .NET developer after being a Symfony focused PHP developer for over ten years. Moving into a new field of work can be daunting,…

Bernadet Goey
6 oktober, 2023

Techblog Blogs

Umbraco 12 – Wat is er nieuw?

Umbraco, één van de meest flexibele en gebruiksvriendelijkste CMS op de markt, heeft een nieuwe grote update gekregen. Hieronder beschrijven we kort welke nieuwe features er bij zijn gekomen. 1….

Ambert van Unen
17 augustus, 2023

Techblog Blogs

Is het Umbraco CMS SEO-friendly?

Binnen ilionx maken we steeds meer gebruik van Umbraco, een CMS gebouwd op het .NET framework. Het is een CMS zonder poespas, in plaats van geleverd te worden met honderden…

Bernadet Goey
9 augustus, 2023

Techblog Blogs

OpenShift CLI oneliners to get your containers started quickly

Configuring assets in your OpenShift namespace usually involves a lot of clicking and typing in the GUI. For some, it involves juggling massive yaml files containing the same information, but…

Maarten Tijhof
5 juli, 2022

Techblog Architectuur

Integration and the Art of ArchiMate – part deux

In my previous post about integration and ArchiMate, I argued that integration could be modelled as some sort of collaboration at the application level. The business layer in this modelling…

Matthijs Castelli
4 april, 2022

Techblog Blogs

Data Science without Python, is it possible?

A Comparison of Modern Alternatives for Python in the World of Data Science Python is the go-to programming language for data science … for now. With tremendous growth in other…

Wieneke Gulden
25 januari, 2022

Techblog Architectuur

Popping Bubbles: Service Oriented Architecture

First, a wave to the crowd Before we begin, we need to have a serious talk. Somehow, whenever we use the abbreviation SOA in relation to IT in the presence…

Wouter de Vries
18 oktober, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Hoe SMURF je integratie in een agile omgeving?

Met een Slimme Mix van Universele Raamwerken én Flexibiliteit Als je deel uitmaakt van een integratieteam in een agile omgeving, klinken deze vragen ongetwijfeld bekend: Hoe positioneren we ons team…

Bas van Hengstum
30 september, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Jenkins + OpenShift: running custom Jenkins agents to perform your work

Working with a managed Kubernetes solution like OpenShift is really a mixed bag of emotions. It’s a great blessing as a lot of the regular infrastructure like hosts, scaling, load…

Maarten Tijhof
21 september, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Protected: Signatures

At the moment, one of the hot topics in the world of Development is Zero Trust. This is an easy topic to explain: never trust and always verify. Before doing…

Dirk Janssen
10 september, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Securing some SOAP

Recently, I had to implement a Soap Service. Nothing special, I just hadn’t done it in a while and was amazed at how easy it has become. Using some code…

Dirk Janssen
31 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Setting up Splunk Connect for Kubernetes on Openshift 4.x with Helm

As part of our daily operations, our team and our customers use the company-wide Splunk application. Splunk is used to search through application logs and check the status of file…

Robert Jan de Groot
30 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Traffic to multiple Openshift Clusters, a NodePortService usecase

In my previous post I’ve described how you can set up multiple infranodes with multiple ingress controllers, just in case you have to deal with some existing networks. But what…

Robert Jan de Groot
10 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Setting up multiple Ingress Controllers on Openshift 4.x

When installing Openshift on-premise or in the cloud, by default you’ll get a single ingress controller. It’s the well known *.apps ingress controllers and it forwards all traffic from *.apps.yourcluster.yourdomain…

Robert Jan de Groot
10 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

HelloWorld: Micronaut, Docker, GraalVM, Kubernetes and Helm

No, it’s not a buzzword bingo, but a HelloWorld example. Many examples of Micronaut projects can be found online, but they almost all focus on Micronaut features. The project described…

Luc Gorissen
14 juni, 2021

Techblog Architectuur

Doorbreek het digitale plafond van cloud computing

Vanaf maart 2020 is gebleken hoe solide de Nederlandse digitale infrastructuur eigenlijk is. We zijn toen zonder noemenswaardige problemen, van de ene op de andere dag, massaal op afstand gaan…

Marc Kuijpers
11 juni, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Getting started with Quarkus

The last couple of years I have worked and experimented a lot with injection frameworks. New frameworks like Micronaut and Quarkus in my personal environment, while professionally working primarily with…

Dirk Janssen
15 april, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Fixed vs Growth Mindset: how to (not) limit yourself

Inevitably, in IT we keep learning new things all through our careers to be able to keep up with the ever changing digital future. This is no different from other…

Stephan Vos
15 februari, 2021