Dirk Janssen

Proces- & Systeemintegratie specialist

Dirk Janssen is een gedreven Proces integratie specialist. Hij heeft uitgebreide ervaring met het ontwerpen, bouwen en beheren van processen en services. Daarnaast heeft Dirk kennis en ervaring met het inrichten van Continuous Integration en Delivery. Met zijn open manier van communiceren en zijn gedreven houding zoekt hij, samen met de klant, altijd naar de best mogelijke oplossing.

Techblog Blogs

Part 1 Creating a RestFull Interface in Vert.x

In this series of blog posts I will be explaining how you can create a reactive microservice using Vert.x and ReactiveX. With these types of posts, it is common to…

18 maart, 2018

Techblog Blogs

WELD-001409 – Ambiguous dependencies

Weld/CDI resolves bean injection mainly based on type or name. This is sufficient for most cases and works like a charm. You can either specify a name yourself or inject…

29 juni, 2017

Techblog Architectuur

Fabric8 concepts and architecture

Fabric8 is a cloud platform which enables you to create and manage a cloud based microservices infrastructure. This article explains the concepts behind Fabric8 and how it tries to solve…

27 juni, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Camel and Xpath 2.0

Camel offers you to create predicates or expressions using XPath. This can be quiet convenient when you want to route your message based on the content of an XML message…

30 mei, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Enable CORS with Camel Rest DSL

When creating a public rest API you have to take into account how and who is using your API. This is not only important in how you structure your API…

3 april, 2017

Techblog Blogs

ActiveMQ connection pooling using Weld

Last week I, again, had to create a connection pool for a camel route that was sending messages to an ActiveMQ broker. This time I had to specify it in…

20 maart, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Basic Gatling load script with feeders

A blogpost about gatling, a nice tool to loadtest your application. This blogpost shows you how to manipulate your data that you send to your rest endpoint. Source: Basic Gatling…

15 maart, 2017

Techblog Blogs

DeltaSpike with CDI and Camel

Last week I was looking for a easy way to inject property values into my code. In my project I was using Camel in combination with Weld (CDI). One of…

4 maart, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Custom (un)Marshalling with the Camel Rest DSL

Sometimes you want to use a custom marshaller to marshal or unmarshal your messages. In our case we needed to parse all date fields to a specific format when marshalling…

13 februari, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Alternative class in Weld

In a Camel project with Weld I faced an issue while trying to unit test a route that called a remote system (Elasticsearch). This was done with the help of…

19 januari, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Getting started with Fabric8

Last week I started to look into Fabric8. The first step I took, was of course the installation of Fabric8. This post is a short walk-through of my installation and…

28 december, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Kafka with Camel

Kafka is a populair opensource, distributed streaming, platform which prides itself on key features as fault-tolerance and replay options. My colleague Jan van Zoggel wrote a nice “getting started” blog…

18 oktober, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Contract first Rest API

As an integration consultant I have an extensive background in web services. To be specific SOAP enabled web services. The way I used to create a service was by first…

30 juni, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Basic authentication in Camel

I need to call a webservice that uses basic authentication. All the solutions and suggestions I could find via google where ether complicated or a lot of work. Until I…

24 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

JBoss Fuse on a raspberry pi 3

I was looking for a small server to run my personal fuse installation on. After a quick search I found the raspberry Pi as a likely candidate. A cheap and…

20 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Rest just got easy

As of version 2.14 camel supports an easy alternative for the implementation of rest interfaces, RedHat implemented it in Fuse 6.2 You can now use the rest DSL as an…

18 februari, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Calling a Soap Service with camel

Invoking a SOAP service in Fuse (camel) is similar to exposing a SOAP service. The first steps are the same, you have to create a CXF endpoint. This is explained…

1 februari, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Removing camel HTTP Headers

When trying to invoke a json rest service from a route in my CXF soap web service using HTTP4. I got the following error: “If you are forwarding/bridging http endpoints,…

25 januari, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Fuse contract first webservice

In this blog post I will explain how you can create a SOAP web service in Fuse. You can implement a SOAP interface with the help of CXF. Creating a…

19 januari, 2016