Er bestaan verschillende frameworks om een app te ontwikkelen voor mobile devices, zoals Ionic Framework en Flutter. Flutter neemt steeds meer toe in populariteit en organisaties als Google Pay, Sonos…
Zoals elektriciteit 100 jaar geleden een revolutie teweegbracht in levens, verandert Artificial Intelligence (AI) ons leven momenteel volledig. Google, Netflix, gezichtsdetectie, voorspellende zoekopdrachten, aanbevelingen, kaarten, zelfrijdende auto’s, om er maar…
Ionic Framework richt zich op de frontend UX en UI interactie van een app – UI controls, interacties, gebaren, animaties. Het is makkelijk te leren, en integreert met andere bibliotheken…
Configuring assets in your OpenShift namespace usually involves a lot of clicking and typing in the GUI. For some, it involves juggling massive yaml files containing the same information, but…
In my previous post about integration and ArchiMate, I argued that integration could be modelled as some sort of collaboration at the application level. The business layer in this modelling…
A Comparison of Modern Alternatives for Python in the World of Data Science Python is the go-to programming language for data science … for now. With tremendous growth in other…
First, a wave to the crowd Before we begin, we need to have a serious talk. Somehow, whenever we use the abbreviation SOA in relation to IT in the presence…
Met een Slimme Mix van Universele Raamwerken én Flexibiliteit Als je deel uitmaakt van een integratieteam in een agile omgeving, klinken deze vragen ongetwijfeld bekend: Hoe positioneren we ons team…
Working with a managed Kubernetes solution like OpenShift is really a mixed bag of emotions. It’s a great blessing as a lot of the regular infrastructure like hosts, scaling, load…
At the moment, one of the hot topics in the world of Development is Zero Trust. This is an easy topic to explain: never trust and always verify. Before doing…
Recently, I had to implement a Soap Service. Nothing special, I just hadn’t done it in a while and was amazed at how easy it has become. Using some code…
As part of our daily operations, our team and our customers use the company-wide Splunk application. Splunk is used to search through application logs and check the status of file…
In my previous post I’ve described how you can set up multiple infranodes with multiple ingress controllers, just in case you have to deal with some existing networks. But what…
When installing Openshift on-premise or in the cloud, by default you’ll get a single ingress controller. It’s the well known *.apps ingress controllers and it forwards all traffic from *.apps.yourcluster.yourdomain…
No, it’s not a buzzword bingo, but a HelloWorld example. Many examples of Micronaut projects can be found online, but they almost all focus on Micronaut features. The project described…
Vanaf maart 2020 is gebleken hoe solide de Nederlandse digitale infrastructuur eigenlijk is. We zijn toen zonder noemenswaardige problemen, van de ene op de andere dag, massaal op afstand gaan…
Serverless is een andere manier van denken over hoe gebruik gemaakt kan worden van de cloud infrastructuur. In traditionele zin maak je gebruik van een eigen server waar de eigen…
One of the promises of both Micronaut and Quarkus is to make it easy to run microservices as native images. Native images promise faster startup times and a lower memory…
The last couple of years I have worked and experimented a lot with injection frameworks. New frameworks like Micronaut and Quarkus in my personal environment, while professionally working primarily with…
Inevitably, in IT we keep learning new things all through our careers to be able to keep up with the ever changing digital future. This is no different from other…