Fabric8 is a cloud platform which enables you to create and manage a cloud based microservices infrastructure. This article explains the concepts behind Fabric8 and how it tries to solve…
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure REST/HTTP-style APIs at any scale. Unfortunately, there’s no clear…
Component testing is an important protection against regression errors. After every change to your component, you should test its public interfaces in isolation from the environment it runs in. In…
Camel offers you to create predicates or expressions using XPath. This can be quiet convenient when you want to route your message based on the content of an XML message…
One of the most frequently used constructs in Apache Camel is the Processor (http://camel.apache.org/processor.html), it is used ofter for invoking custom code or performing message translations. The API of the…
1 Introduction A dominant factor that affects the performance of TIBCO Administrator for BusinessWorks 5 (observed in version 5.9.1) is whether the domain data is stored in files or in…
The exception handling and retry mechanisms in Apache Camel are quite extensive. In this blogpost we are going to take a look at customizing the retry based on a predicate…
When creating a public rest API you have to take into account how and who is using your API. This is not only important in how you structure your API…
Last week I was looking for a easy way to inject property values into my code. In my project I was using Camel in combination with Weld (CDI). One of…
When trying to commit to a AWS CodeCommit GIT repository I receive the following error: jvzoggel$ git push fatal: unable to access ‘https://git-codecommit.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/myProject/’: The requested URL returned error: 403 The…
Recently I was struggling with invoking HTTP endpoints using self-signed certificates using the Apache Camel http4 component. The crux of the problem was the fact these certificates change rapidly and…
The 2nd time last month I had to do it myself / figure it out / explain it so I decided to note it down. Install AWS CLI on your OSX…
Sometimes you want to use a custom marshaller to marshal or unmarshal your messages. In our case we needed to parse all date fields to a specific format when marshalling…
Recently I spent some time experimenting with the Fabric8 microservices framework. And while it is way too comprehensive to cover in a single blog post I wanted to focus on…
One of the more recent trends in IT is Serverless architecture. Like any hype in the earlier stages a lot of ambiguity exists on what it is and what problems…
In ActiveMQ it is possible to define logical groups of message brokers in order to obtain more resiliency or throughput. The setup configuration described here can be outlined as follows:…
Sometimes you want to create a longitudinal study of patterns in your Elasticsearch data and you want to analyze the entire event stream matching your criteria. The scroll API provides…
Kafka is a populair opensource, distributed streaming, platform which prides itself on key features as fault-tolerance and replay options. My colleague Jan van Zoggel wrote a nice “getting started” blog…
Microservices are all the craze right now and have been for some time. But with the dust settling, the architectural style seems to be taking shape. With that happening the benefits…
Als pure specialist op het vakgebied van integratie beseft ook Rubix dat API management niet meer is weg te denken in de wereld van IT. De successen van Uber, AirBnB…