Techblog Blogs

3scale policy development – part 2 generate a policy scaffold

In first part of our multi-part blog series about 3scale policy development we looked into the setup of a development environment. Now we have a functioning development environment we can…

22 maart, 2019

Techblog Blogs

3scale policy development – part 1 setting up a development environment

3scale policy development – part 1 setting up a development environment In this multi part blog series we are going to dive into the development, testing and deployment of a…

1 maart, 2019

Techblog Blogs

Authenticating a JMS consumer with 3Scale, Camel and ActiveMQ

3Scale is an API Management platform used for authenticating an throttleing API calls among many, many other things. Now when thinking of API’s most people think of RESTfull API’s these…

10 maart, 2018

Techblog Blogs

Camel setting exchange headers in a custom dataformat

Apache Camel is a great framework with dozens (hundreds even) components, dataformats and expression languages. However one of the thing that makes Camel even greater is the various ways to…

10 januari, 2018

Techblog Blogs

Openshift Fuse health checks with Jolokia

I recently ran into a problem where I needed to create an Openshift healthcheck for a Fuse container. Normally all Fuse containers exposed an http endpoint which was used in…

24 november, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Openshift limits explained

Openshift is a Paas platform offered by Red Hat based mainly on Docker and Kubernetes. One of the concepts behind it is that Ops can set boundaries for Dev. For…

25 augustus, 2017

Techblog Blogs

AES-256 message encryption in Apache Camel

This blog post shows how to encrypt and decrypt the payload of the message using Apache Camel. The cryptografic algorithm used in this example is AES-256 since this was an…

10 juli, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Camel Split using a custom Iterator

One of the more commonly used EIP’s in Camel is the Splitter, you can find the documentation here Usually the splitter is used for tokenizing some message or splitting…

30 juni, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Playing around with Camel AsyncProcessor

One of the most frequently used constructs in Apache Camel is the Processor (, it is used ofter for invoking custom code or performing message translations. The API of the…

26 mei, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Apache Camel – Dynamic redelivery based on MEP

The exception handling and retry mechanisms in Apache Camel are quite extensive. In this blogpost we are going to take a look at customizing the retry based on a predicate…

6 april, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Creating an insecure http4 component in Apache Camel

Recently I was struggling with invoking HTTP endpoints using self-signed certificates using the Apache Camel http4 component. The crux of the problem was the fact these certificates change rapidly and…

17 februari, 2017

Techblog Blogs

Camel CDI app in Fabric8 via Maven

Recently I spent some time experimenting with the Fabric8 microservices framework. And while it is way too comprehensive to cover in a single blog post I wanted to focus on…

28 december, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Serverless architecture, what is it?

One of the more recent trends in IT is Serverless architecture. Like any hype in the earlier stages a lot of ambiguity exists on what it is and what problems…

10 december, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Configuring a Network of Brokers in Fuse Fabric

In ActiveMQ it is possible to define logical groups of message brokers in order to obtain more resiliency or throughput. The setup configuration described here can be outlined as follows:…

2 december, 2016

Techblog Architectuur

API Management, wat is het en wat kan je ermee?

Als pure specialist op het vakgebied van integratie beseft ook Rubix dat API management niet meer is weg te denken in de wereld van IT. De successen van Uber, AirBnB…

30 augustus, 2016

Techblog Blogs

JBoss Fuse Jolokia requests

Even though Hawtio is a pretty awesome console for JBoss Fuse, sometimes you want or even need to have the underlying data Hawtio uses. Maybe you want to incorporate it…

20 juli, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Instantiating a java.util.Properties via OSGi Blueprint

I was recently struggling a bit to instantiate a java.util.Properties object via OSGi Blueprint. Normally when dealing with properties in OSGi Blueprint I use the OSGi Admin config or Compendium…

28 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

What is HATEOAS?

With probably the most unpronounceable acronym in the world of IT, and there are a lot, HATEOAS is also one of the most obscure and misunderstood constraints of the REST…

18 maart, 2016

Techblog Blogs

MVN camel:run exception in Fuse 6.2.1

When playing around with a new Fuse 6.2.1 environment I notices the maven archetypes provided with Fuse did not run out of the box with the mvn camel:run command. Whenever…

31 januari, 2016

Techblog Blogs

Using a custom BundleActivator class in your Camel OSGi bundle

For those not familiar with the BundleActivator class in OSGi it is used to control the startup and shutdown of an OSGi bundle. From the OSGI wiki: “Bundle-Activator is a…

31 augustus, 2015