Configuring a Network of Brokers in Fuse Fabric

In ActiveMQ it is possible to define logical groups of message brokers in order to obtain more resiliency or throughput.
The setup configuration described here can be outlined as follows:
Creating broker groups and a network of brokers can be done in various manners in JBoss Fuse Fabric. Here we are going to use the Fabric CLI.
The following steps are necessary to create the configuration above:

  1. Creating a Fabric (if we don’t already have one)

  2. Create child containers

  3. Create the MQ broker profiles and assign them to the child containers

  4. Connect a couple of clients for testing

1. Creating a Fabric (optional)

Assuming we start with a clean Fuse installation the first step is creating a Fabric. This step can be skipped if a fabric is already available.

In the Fuse CLI execute the following command:

JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:create -p fabric --wait-for-provisioning

2. Create child containers

Next we are going to create two sets of child containers which are going to host our brokers. Note, the child containers we are going to create in this step are empty child containers and do not yet contain AMQ brokers. We are going to provision these containers with AMQ brokers in step 3.

First create the child containers for siteA:

JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:container-create-child root site-a 2

Next create the child containers for siteB:

JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:container-create-child root site-b 2

3. Create the MQ broker profiles and assign them to the child containers

In this step we are going to create the broker profiles in fabric and assign them to the containers we created in the previous step.

JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:mq-create --group site-a --networks site-b --networks-username admin --networks-password admin --assign-container site-a1,site-a2 site-a-profile

JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:mq-create --group site-b --networks site-a --networks-username admin --networks-password admin --assign-container site-b1,site-b2 site-b-profile

The fabric:mq-create command creates a broker profile in Fuse Fabric. The –group flag assigns a group to the brokers in the profile. The networks flag creates the required network connection needed for a network of brokers. In the assign-container flag we assign this newly created broker profile to one or more containers.

4.Connect a couple of clients for testing

A sample project containing two clients, one producer and one consumer is available on github.

Clone the repository:

$ git clone

build the project:

$ mvn clean install

Start the message consumer (in the java-consumer directory):

$ mvn exec:java

Start the message producer (in the java-producer directory):

$ mvn exec:java

Observe the console logging of the producer:

14:48:58 INFO  Using local ZKClient
14:48:58 INFO  Starting
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
14:48:58 INFO  Client
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:java.version=1.8.0_77
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:java.home=/home/pim/apps/jdk1.8.0_77/jre
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:java.class.path=/home/pim/apps/apache-maven-3.3.9/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.5.2.jar
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
14:48:58 INFO  Client
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:java.compiler=<NA>
14:48:58 INFO  Client
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:os.arch=amd64
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:os.version=4.2.0-34-generic
14:48:58 INFO  Client
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:user.home=/home/pim
14:48:58 INFO  Client environment:user.dir=/home/pim/workspace/mq-fabric/java-producer
14:48:58 INFO  Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=60000 watcher=org.apache.curator.ConnectionState@47e011e3
14:48:58 INFO  Opening socket connection to server localhost/
14:48:58 INFO  Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
14:48:58 INFO  Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x154620540e80009, negotiated timeout = 40000
14:48:58 INFO  State change: CONNECTED
14:48:59 INFO  Adding new broker connection URL: tcp://
14:49:00 INFO  Successfully connected to tcp://
14:49:00 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 1. message sent
14:49:00 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 2. message sent
14:49:01 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 3. message sent
14:49:01 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 4. message sent
14:49:02 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 5. message sent
14:49:02 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 6. message sent
14:49:03 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 7. message sent
14:49:03 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 8. message sent
14:49:04 INFO  Sending to destination: queue://fabric.simple this text: 9. message sent

Observe the console logging of the consumer:

14:48:20 INFO  Using local ZKClient
14:48:20 INFO  Starting
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
14:48:20 INFO  Client
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:java.version=1.8.0_77
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:java.home=/home/pim/apps/jdk1.8.0_77/jre
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:java.class.path=/home/pim/apps/apache-maven-3.3.9/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.5.2.jar
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
14:48:20 INFO  Client
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:java.compiler=<NA>
14:48:20 INFO  Client
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:os.arch=amd64
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:os.version=4.2.0-34-generic
14:48:20 INFO  Client
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:user.home=/home/pim
14:48:20 INFO  Client environment:user.dir=/home/pim/workspace/mq-fabric/java-consumer
14:48:20 INFO  Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=60000 watcher=org.apache.curator.ConnectionState@3d732a14
14:48:20 INFO  Opening socket connection to server localhost/
14:48:20 INFO  Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
14:48:20 INFO  Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x154620540e80008, negotiated timeout = 40000
14:48:20 INFO  State change: CONNECTED
14:48:21 INFO  Adding new broker connection URL: tcp://
14:48:21 INFO  Successfully connected to tcp://
14:48:21 INFO  Start consuming messages from queue://fabric.simple with 120000ms timeout
14:49:00 INFO  Got 1. message: 1. message sent
14:49:00 INFO  Got 2. message: 2. message sent
14:49:01 INFO  Got 3. message: 3. message sent
14:49:01 INFO  Got 4. message: 4. message sent
14:49:02 INFO  Got 5. message: 5. message sent
14:49:02 INFO  Got 6. message: 6. message sent
14:49:03 INFO  Got 7. message: 7. message sent
14:49:03 INFO  Got 8. message: 8. message sent
14:49:04 INFO  Got 9. message: 9. message sent