Passed Arcitura SOASchool S90.01A exam

Last week I used my voucher to give the Arcitura S90.01A “Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing” exam a try. I was fortunate enough to pass it on the 1st try. Since the exam is a requirement for all of the tracks (check the matrix) I decided that I probably continue and try to finish both the  Certified SOA Architect and Certified SOA Security Specialist tracks. Architect (and Consultant) are probably the most common tracks, but I always liked the complexity and challenges of security in a SOA landscape.

the exam itself

The exam is based mainly around the content of the Thomas Erl book:
SOA Principles of Service Design. The book is pretty huge but lucky for us we don’t have to memorize it completely to pass the exam.

Before making any attempt make sure you understand at least the following concepts:
Strategic goals & benefits
Service-Orientation Design Principles
Elements of Service-Oriented computing
– knowledge about service contracts / service registry / service lifecycle / service inventory and composite services

The prometric exam is mainly based around these concepts and if you logically understand them and place them in context you should be able to pass the computer based exam. Which by the way consists of a total of 50 questions and you have to answer 80% of these correctly. If you score more then 88% you will pass with honors.