Hello Beer Camel Quality Control

In our previous blog post we saw our Camels smuggling along their craft beer contraband to our thirsty customers. We can expect them to expand our craft business quite rapidly in the near future and open up new black and white markets (hopefully this will keep our shareholders happy and quiet for the time being!). For all this expansion to succeed however, we need to get our quality control in order pronto! The last thing we want is for dromedaries disguised as camels to deliver imitation crafts to our customers and thereby compromise our highly profitable trade routes. So, high time we put some unit testing in place and make our implementation a little more flexible and maintainable.

In this blog post we’ll unit test our Spring REST controller and our Camel route. We also get rid of those hardcoded endpoints and replace them with proper environment-specific properties. So buckle up, grab a beer and let’s get started!

Oh and as always, final code can be viewed online.

Unit testing the controller

Though technically this has nothing to do with Camel, it’s good practice to unit test all important classes, so let’s first tackle and unit test our Spring Boot REST controller.

We only need the basic Spring Boot Starter Test dependency for this guy:


Let’s test the most interesting part of the controller, i.e. the saveOrder method.

public class OrderControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private OrderRepository orderRepositoryMock;

    public void saveOrder() throws Exception {
        OrderItem orderItem1 = new OrderItemBuilder().setInventoryItemId(1L).setQuantity(100L).build();
        OrderItem orderItem2 = new OrderItemBuilder().setInventoryItemId(2L).setQuantity(50L).build();
        Order order = new OrderBuilder().setCustomerId(1L).addOrderItems(orderItem1, orderItem2).build();

        OrderItem addedItem1 = new OrderItemBuilder().setId(2L).setInventoryItemId(1L).setQuantity(100L).build();
        OrderItem addedItem2 = new OrderItemBuilder().setId(3L).setInventoryItemId(2L).setQuantity(50L).build();
        Order added = new OrderBuilder().setId(1L).setCustomerId(1L).addOrderItems(addedItem1, addedItem2).build();


            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", is(1)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.customerId", is(1)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.orderItems[0].id", is(2)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.orderItems[0].inventoryItemId", is(1)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.orderItems[0].quantity", is(100)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.orderItems[1].id", is(3)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.orderItems[1].inventoryItemId", is(2)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.orderItems[1].quantity", is(50)));

        ArgumentCaptor<Order> orderCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Order.class);
        verify(orderRepositoryMock, times(1)).save(orderCaptor.capture());

        Order orderArgument = orderCaptor.getValue();
        assertThat(orderArgument.getCustomerId(), is(1L));
        assertEquals(orderArgument.getOrderItems().size(), 2);

Hopefully most of this code speaks for itself. Here are some pointers:

  • The WebMvcTest(OrderController.class) annotation ensures that you can test the OrderController in isolation. With this guy you can autowire a MockMvc instance that basically has all you need to unit test a controller;
  • The controller has a dependency on the OrderRepository, which we will mock in this unit test using the @MockBean annotation;
  • We first use some helper builder classes to fluently build our test Order instances;
  • Next we configure our mock repository to return a full fledged Order object when the save method is called with an Order argument;
  • Now we can actually POST an Order object to our controller and test the JSON being returned;
  • Next check is whether the mock repository was called and ensure that is was called only once;
  • Finally we check the Order POJO that was sent to our mock repository.

Running the test will show us we build a high quality controller here. There’s also a unit test available for the GET method. You can view it on GitHub. The GET method is a lot easier to unit test, so let’s skip it to keep this blog post from getting too verbose.

Testing the Camel route

Now for the most interesting part. We want to test the Camel route we built in our previous blog post. Let’s first revisit it again:

    .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))

There’s a lot going on in this route. Ideally I would like to perform two tests:

  • One to check if the XML consumed from the ftp endpoint is being properly unmarshalled to an Order POJO;
  • One to check the quality of the subsequent marshalling of said POJO to JSON and also to check if it’s being sent to our REST controller.

So let’s split our route into two routes to reflect this:


    .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))

Note that we added ids to our routes as well as our producer endpoints. You’ll see later on – when we’re gonna replace the producer endpoints with mock endpoints – why we need these. Also note that we’ve set up direct endpoints in the middle of our original route. This will allow us to split the route in two.

Testing camel routes requires one additional dependency:


Alright now let’s get straight down to business and unit test those routes:

public class FtpOrderToOrderControllerTest {

    private static boolean adviced = false;
    private CamelContext camelContext;
    @EndpointInject(uri = "direct:input")
    private ProducerTemplate ftpEndpoint;
    @EndpointInject(uri = "direct:new-order")
    private ProducerTemplate orderEndpoint;
    @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:new-order")
    private MockEndpoint mockNewOrder;
    @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:new-order-controller")
    private MockEndpoint mockNewOrderController;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        if (!adviced) {
                .adviceWith(camelContext, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
                    public void configure() {

                .adviceWith(camelContext, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
                    public void configure() {

            adviced = true;

    public void ftpToOrder() throws Exception {
        String requestPayload = TestUtil.inputStreamToString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/data/inbox/newOrder.xml"));

        Order order = mockNewOrder.getExchanges().get(0).getIn().getBody(Order.class);
        assertThat(order.getCustomerId(), is(1L));
        assertThat(order.getOrderItems().get(0).getInventoryItemId(), is(1L));
        assertThat(order.getOrderItems().get(0).getQuantity(), is(100L));
        assertThat(order.getCustomerId(), is(1L));
        assertThat(order.getOrderItems().get(1).getInventoryItemId(), is(2L));
        assertThat(order.getOrderItems().get(1).getQuantity(), is(50L));

    public void orderToController() {
        OrderItem orderItem1 = new OrderItemBuilder().setInventoryItemId(1L).setQuantity(100L).build();
        OrderItem orderItem2 = new OrderItemBuilder().setInventoryItemId(2L).setQuantity(50L).build();
        Order order = new OrderBuilder().setCustomerId(1L).addOrderItems(orderItem1, orderItem2).build();

        String jsonOrder = mockNewOrderController.getExchanges().get(0).getIn().getBody(String.class);
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasNoJsonPath("$.id"));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasJsonPath("$.customerId", is(1)));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasNoJsonPath("$.orderItems[0].id"));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasJsonPath("$.orderItems[0].inventoryItemId", is(1)));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasJsonPath("$.orderItems[0].quantity", is(100)));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasNoJsonPath("$.orderItems[1].id"));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasJsonPath("$.orderItems[1].inventoryItemId", is(2)));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasJsonPath("$.orderItems[1].quantity", is(50)));
        assertThat(jsonOrder, hasNoJsonPath("$.orderItems[1].id"));

Again a few pointers to the code above:

  • We’re using the recommended CamelSpringBootRunner here;
  • We autowire an instance of the CamelContext. This context is needed in order to alter the route later on;
  • Next we inject the Consumer and Producer endpoints we’re gonna use in our unit tests;
  • The Setup is the most important part of the puzzle. It is here we replace our endpoints with mocks (and our ftp consumer endpoint with a direct endpoint). It is also here we will use the ids we placed in our routes. They let us point to the endpoints (and the routes they’re in) we wish to replace;
  • Ideally we would have annotated this setUp code with the @BeforeClass annotation to let it run only once. Unfortunately that guy can only be placed on a static method. And static methods don’t play well with our autowired camelContext instance variable. So we use a static boolean to run this code only once (you can’t run it twice because the second time it’ll try to replace stuff that isn’t there anymore);
  • In the ftpToOrder unit test we shove an Order xml into the first route (using the direct endpoint) and check our mockNewOrder endpoint to see if a proper Order POJO has arrived there;
  • In the orderToController unit test we shove an Order POJO in the second route (again using a direct endpoint) and check our mockNewOrderController endpoint to see if a proper Order JSON String has arrived there.

Please note that the json assertion code in the OrderToController Test has a dependency on the json-path-assert library:


This library is not really necessary. As an alternative you could write expressions like:

assertThat(JsonPath.read(jsonOrder,"$.customerId"), is("1"));

I think the json-path-assert notation is a bit more readable, but that’s just a matter of taste, I guess.

You can run the tests now (mvn clean test) and you will see that all tests are passing.

Externalizing properties

Alright we’re almost there. Only one last set of changes left to make the route a bit more flexible. Let’s introduce Camel properties to replace those hardcoded URIs in the endpoints. Camel and Spring Boot play along quite nicely here and Camel properties work out-of-the-box without further configuration.

So let’s introduce a property file (application-dev.properties) for the development environment and put those two endpoint URIs in it:

endpoint.order.ftp = ftp://localhost/hello-beer?username=anonymous&move=.done&moveFailed=.error
endpoint.order.http = http://localhost:8080/hello-camel/1.0/order

Add one line to the application.properties file to set development as the default Spring profile.


And here’s the final route after putting those endpoint properties in place:


    .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))

And that’s it. You can run the application again to see that everything works like before.


This blog post was all about quality. We showed you how to setup testing in a Spring Boot Camel application and we built a couple of unit tests, one to test our Spring Boot REST controller and one to test our Camel route. As a small bonus we also externalized the endpoint URIs in our Camel route with the help of Camel properties.

Now all that’s left is to grab a beer and think about our next blog post.
