Robert Jan de Groot

Cloud Native Engineer

Robert Jan is een enthousiaste en veelzijdige Cloud Native Engineer. Na jaren ervaring met Oracle Integratieplatformen is hij teruggekeerd naar zijn liefde voor opensource. Onder de vlag van Terra10 richt hij zich volledig op containerplatformen, zowel in de vorm van Red Hat Openshift als Kubernetes. Hij heeft uitgebreide ervaring met provisioning en tuning van infrastructuur en zijn analytische vaardigheden bieden een waardevolle bijdrage binnen de DevOps rol. Robert Jan leert snel, is nieuwsgierig en met zijn flexibele open houding zoekt hij altijd naar een creatieve oplossing die het beste past bij de opdrachtgever..

Techblog Blogs

Setting up Splunk Connect for Kubernetes on Openshift 4.x with Helm

As part of our daily operations, our team and our customers use the company-wide Splunk application. Splunk is used to search through application logs and check the status of file…

30 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Traffic to multiple Openshift Clusters, a NodePortService usecase

In my previous post I’ve described how you can set up multiple infranodes with multiple ingress controllers, just in case you have to deal with some existing networks. But what…

10 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Setting up multiple Ingress Controllers on Openshift 4.x

When installing Openshift on-premise or in the cloud, by default you’ll get a single ingress controller. It’s the well known *.apps ingress controllers and it forwards all traffic from *.apps.yourcluster.yourdomain…

10 augustus, 2021

Techblog Blogs

Adding USB devices to your containers

While this may seem like an uncommon scenario, it’s very useful to add USB devices to your containers. Imagine running Home Assistant in your container and having a Z-wave or…

3 januari, 2021

Techblog Blogs

How we installed Openshift 4.5 UPI with Static IP’s on VMWare

In this blogpost I’ll explain how we have set up Openshift 4.5 on a VMWare environment using the ‘User Provided Infrastructure’ installation method. Whereas Openshift 4,1 and 4.2 had mandatory…

9 november, 2020

Techblog Blogs

Installing Openshift Origin (OKD) on AWS – part 3: scale up your brewery!

In the previous two sessions of this blog series we’ve created an AWS instance and used Ansible to install a single Openshift OKD node. As scalability is one of the…

13 maart, 2019

Techblog Blogs

Installing Openshift Origin (OKD) on AWS – part 2: How to make a beerdecision

In this blog series we’re installing Openshift Community Edition (known as OKD, I don’t get it either) on AWS instances based on Centos. In the previous blog post, we’ve set…

13 februari, 2019

Techblog Blogs

Installing Openshift Origin (OKD) on AWS – part 1

Openshift is gaining in popularity, judged by the increasing number of large companies considering Openshift Enterprise as their new container platform. Even though Red Hat offers Openshift as a cloud…

4 februari, 2019